Jumanne, 20 Agosti 2024


• Visits the Judiciary of Tanzania to learn the 'abc's' of Judiciary service improvement

• Various topics of Court Operations and others... to be presented 

By MARY GWERA, Judiciary of Tanzania-Dodoma

The substantial improvements being made by the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania under the leadership of President, Hon. Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan has attracted global attention, many countries are keen to learn from Tanzania's Judiciary, particularly its methods for enhancing justice delivery to citizens.

On August 17th, 2024, The Judiciary of Tanzania received a delegation from the Supreme Court of Malawi who arrived with the aim of learning how the Court in the country works and succeeded in improving the delivery of justice to the people.

The Chief Justice of Somalia recently visited the Integrated Justice Center (IJC) building in Arusha, similarly the Judge of the Supreme Court of Korea expects to visit the Judiciary of Tanzania in September this year. And the High Court of Zanzibar has also planned to visit the Judiciary for the purpose of learning.

Speaking on August 19th, 2024 in Dodoma during an official opening of training session for exchanging experiences which included the delegation from the Supreme Court of Malawi and their counterpart the Judiciary of Tanzania, the Chief Court Registrar of Tanzania, Hon. Eva Kiaki Nkya welcomed them and said the Judiciary is ready to give them all necessary information to enable them improve justice delivery to people.

“I extend a heartfelt welcome to the esteemed delegation from the Judiciary of Malawi, led by Mrs. Edith Chikagwa, the Chief Court Administrator. It is a true honour to host you here in Dodoma, where we gather to share invaluable experiences aimed at enhancing justice delivery for our people,” said Hon. Nkya.

In her opening remarks, the Chief Court Registrar stated that the journey to improve the Judiciary came following the major changes that came in 2011 with the adoption of the Judiciary Administration Act which among others established the Offices of the Chief Court Administrator and the Registrar Court Registrar as well as the Judiciary Fund.

"These changes were the beginning for reforms of the Judiciary that led to a solid service improvement plan that emphasizes on improving access to justice, strengthening the efficiency of the Court, ensuring transparency and promoting the participation of citizens," said Hon. Nkya. 

She added that, the Judiciary of Tanzania has made a number of efforts to improve the court infrastructures to simplify the processes of management of proceedings and to strengthen technology in order to alleviate the provision of services to citizens.

She explained that, the journey towards reform has not been without its challenges instead the historical reports, such as the Msekwa Commission of 1977 and the Bomani Report of 1986, identified critical issues that hindered the effectiveness of the Judiciary. These reports called for structural reforms, adequate funding, and the introduction of trained administrators to relieve judicial officers of non-judicial functions.

“To gauge public sentiment regarding the Judiciary's performance, a Court User Satisfaction Survey conducted by REPOA in 2015 indicated that only 61% of users were satisfied with court services. However, a follow-up survey in 2019 showed a significant improvement, with satisfaction levels rising to 78% and in 2023 with satisfaction levels rising to 88%. This positive trend underscores the importance of ongoing reforms,” said Chief Registrar.

Likewise, she added that the Court prepared its Strategic Plan which also aims at strengthening the administration system, improve the speed and accessibility of judicial services, build confidence in the Judiciary system through transparency and sincere cooperation with stakeholders.

She further said, the Judiciary of Tanzania has made remarkable strides through the implementation of transformative reforms, which have significantly enhanced the efficiency and accessibility of justice for the citizens, fostering a culture of transparency, accountability, and responsiveness to the needs of the public. One of the most notable achievements has been the integration of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) into judicial processes.

“ICT use has revolutionized service delivery in several ways, both in judicial and non-judicial functions. Electronic case management has streamlined all processes, from filing to determination, including fee payments and notifications. The digitization of records, video conferencing services that allow remote case hearings, and the electronic case database have strengthened transparency and efficiency in court business,” said Hon. Nkya.

She mentioned other reforms as introduction of Mobile Courts Services, also known as "Justice on the Wheel," which bring justice directly to underserved communities, overcoming geographical and financial barriers that often hinder access to legal remedies. She emphasized that the impact of these reforms is evident in the increased public trust and satisfaction with court services.

On her part, the Chief Court Administrator of Malawi Supreme Court, Mrs. Edith Chikagwa thanked the Judiciary of Tanzania for accepting their request to come and learn about the Tanzania Judiciary System and various reforms and that they are ready to learn and share experiences as well.

The delegation, which has involved various Officials from the Malawi Supreme Court is in the country for six (6) days, various Judiciary topics will be presented to them during their stay, the topics include the Overview of the Tanzanian Judiciary System, ICT use in the Judiciary of Tanzania, Planning and Policy Development in the Judiciary and others.

The Chief Registrar of the Judiciary of Tanzania, Hon. Eva Kiaki Nkya (in the middle) in a group photo with the Supreme Court of Malawi delegation (standing) immediately after opening a training session for exchanging experiences held in Dodoma on August 19th, 2024 between Malawi Delegation and their counterpart the Judiciary of Tanzania. On the left is the Acting Chief Court Administrator of the Judiciary of Tanzania, Mr. Victor Kategere, on the right is the Chief Court Administrator of the Supreme Court of Malawi, Mrs. Edith Chikagwa.

The Chief Registrar of the Judiciary of Tanzania, Hon. Eva Kiaki Nkya delivering her speech at the official opening of training session for exchanging experiences which included the delegation from the Supreme Court of Malawi and their counterpart the Judiciary of Tanzania on August 19th, 2024 in Dodoma.
Part of a delegation from the Supreme Court of Malawi attentively following the opening speech which was being delivered by the Chief Registrar of the Judiciary of Tanzania, Hon. Eva Kiaki Nkya (not in the picture).
Deputy Registrar of the High Court of Tanzania and Director of Library Services - Judiciary of Tanzania, Hon. Kifungu Kariho (standing) coordinating the opening session of a training for exchanging experiences between the Malawi Supreme Court delegation with their counterpart the Judiciary of Tanzania . Others are part of the Management members of the Judiciary of Tanzania following what was going on.
The Acting Chief Court Administrator of the Judiciary of Tanzania, Mr. Victor Kategere (standing in front) speaking during the opening ceremony for exchanging experiences between the Malawi Supreme Court delegation and their counterpart the Judiciary of Tanzania.
The Chief Court Administrator of the Supreme Court of Malawi, Mrs. Edith Chikagwa speaking something during the opening ceremony for exchanging experiences between the Malawi Supreme Court delegation and their counterpart the Judiciary of Tanzania held in Dodoma on August 19th, 2024.
Part of Court Administrators, Directors and various Officers from the Judiciary of Tanzania who participated in the opening ceremony for exchanging experiences with the Malawi Supreme Court delegation on August 19th, 2024 in Dodoma.
The Chief Registrar of the Judiciary of Tanzania, Hon. Eva Kiaki Nkya (center) in a group photo with a delegation from the Supreme Court of Malawi and the Management of the Judiciary of Tanzania on August 19th, 2024.
High table led by the Chief Registrar of the Judiciary of Tanzania in a group with the delegation from Malawi Supreme Court together with Organising Secretariet from the Judiciary of Tanzania.
On the left is the Acting Chief Court Administrator of the Judiciary of Tanzania, Mr. Victor Kategere, on the right is the Chief Court Administrator of the Supreme Court of Malawi, Mrs. Edith Chikagwa.


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