By Faustine Kapama-Judiciary
THE Court of Appeal has dismissed for lacking merits
the appeal by two poachers, who were each sentenced to either pay 63m/-fine or jailed
20 years for unlawful possession one piece of elephant tusk, a government
trophy, worth 31.5m/-.
Justices Gerald Ndika, Rehema Kerefu and Panterine Kente
ruled against the poachers, Chande Ngayaga and Mohamed Rupembe, the appellants,
after upholding their conviction of the offence they were charged with before
the trial District Court of Liwale and confirmed by the High Court in the first
“We do not find any cogent reasons to disturb the concurrent
findings of the lower courts, as we are satisfied that the evidence taken as a
whole establishes that the prosecution's case against the appellants was proved
beyond reasonable doubt,” they declared.
When determining the appeal, the justices noted an
illegality of the alternative sentence imposed on the appellants by the trial
court. Having considering the law, under which they were charged with they decided
to reverse the same to 20 years imprisonment with no option of payment of fine.
The justices noted in a judgment delivered at Mtwara
recently that the evidence on record that incriminated the appellants heavily
and which was apparently used by the trial court to convict them was their own
confession as indicated in their statements they recorded before the police.
Having thoroughly perused the said statements and
the record of appeal, they immediately agreed with the prosecution that the
same gave a full account on how the appellants committed the offence they were
charged with.
According to the justices, it was also clear that when
the said statements were tendered by prosecution witnesses during the trial,
the appellants were asked by the trial court if they had any objection to their
admissibility in evidence and both of them indicated that they did not have any
“Had (the appellants) raised an objection at that
stage, obviously, the trial court would have resorted to conduct an inquiry
before deciding to admit or refuse to admit them in evidence. In the absence of
an objection, the statements will be presumed to have been voluntarily made,”
they said.
It was the considered view of the justices and, as
rightly found by the trial court, that the appellants' statements provided
overwhelming evidence of their participation in the commission of the offence.
In the said statements, they noted, both appellants
clearly admitted that they were the ones who transported the trophy on January
20, 2018 for sale on a hired motorcycle and upon seeing the motor vehicle of
the game reserve officers, they abandoned the trophy and the motorcycle and ran
“It is settled that an accused person who confesses
to a crime is the best witness. Now, since in the current appeal the appellants
were the best witnesses through their own confessions, we agree with (the
prosecution) that other complaints they raised, have no merit,” the justices
During hearing of the appeal, the appellants had
complained, among others, that their identification at the scene of the crime
was not watertight, there was failure by the prosecution to establish the chain
of custody and there were contradictions in prosecution witnesses.
The justices concluded that such complaints were not
the basis of conviction of the appellants and, thus could not exonerate them
from liability in the case.
“Consequently, looking at the totality of the
evidence, we entertain no doubt that with the appellants' own confession and
the available circumstances, the trial court properly found them to have
committed the offence they were charged with,” they said.
Before penning down, the justices looked into the
legality of the sentence imposed on the appellants by the trial court of paying
63m/- fine or to serve a term of 20 years in prison in default as per section
86(l)(2)(c)(ii) of the Wildlife Conservation Act (WCA), which, according to
them, was improperly invoked.
Having considered the circumstances of the case, they
were settled in their mind that the appellants being first offenders deserved a
statutory minimum sentence of imprisonment for 20 year provided under section
60 (2) of the Economic and Organized Crime Control Act (EOCCA) as amended.
“(Since) the appellants (were) convicted of an economic
offence, no option of fine is allowable and that the imprisonment cannot be
levied in default of payment of a fine,” the justices said.
Given that position, they set aside the order issued
by the trial court that each appellant should pay a fine of 63m/- or in
default, serve twenty years imprisonment term.
“Consequently, and in substitution thereof, we order
each appellant to serve twenty years imprisonment with effect from the date
when they were sentenced by the trial court,” the justices declared.
It was alleged during the trial that on January 20,
2018 at Makata Village within Liwale District in Lindi Region, the appellants
were found in possession of government trophy to wit, one piece of elephant
tusk valued at 31.5m/, the property of the United Republic of Tanzania without
Hakuna maoni:
Chapisha Maoni