Ijumaa, 3 Novemba 2023


·Chief Court Administrator warns delays

·Pour praises to Government, World Bank


THE Judiciary of Tanzania today dated November 3, 2023 signed six contracts worth of 49bn/- with four companies for the construction of six Integrated Justice Centres (IJCs) in Songea, Katavi, Geita, Njombe, Simiyu and Songwe Regions.

Such historical event was officiated by the Chief Court Administrator, Prof. Elisante Ole Gabriel at the Integrated Justice Centre for Family Matters Temeke and witnessed by several other senior judicial officers, including the Head of Delivery Unit (JDU) and Judge of the High Court of Tanzania, Hon. Dr. Angelo Rumisha and Court of Appeal Administrator Victor Kategele.

The Chief Court Administrator signed the six contracts on behalf of the Judiciary, while officials from the four construction companies, both local and foreign, signed for their respective firms and were witnessed by Directors and Heads of Department of the Judiciary of Tanzania.

Speaking after signing of the contracts, Prof. Ole Gabriel directed the contractors and consultants to consider the time of the contract and all the things they had agreed upon when carrying out the construction of the buildings and ensure that the work is done with the required quality.

 "The period that is shown in the contract is nine months, we will not like any extension for even one day. We will not like an extension of time, variation of costs, we would like you to manage your work, you contractors and consultants on this time.

 "This is the time that Tanzanians are waiting have services from six regions in these buildings at the High Court level. I believe the Contractors will not let us down and you will do your work well and adhere to the required standards and quality," he said.

He reminded the contractors that the implementation of the contracts is closely monitored by many stakeholders and leaders, including the Head of State, the President of the United Republic of Tanzania, Her Excellence Dr. Samia Suluhu Hassan and Chief Justice of Tanzania, Hon. Prof. Ibrahim Hamis Juma.

"We will not hesitate to take action against any contractor or consultant or any employee of the judiciary who will be an obstacle in achieving these goals. The World Bank that has given a soft loan for this work is also monitoring," the Chief Court Administrator said.

Prof. Ole Gabriel cautioned them not to enter into sub contracts without consulting their client, the Judiciary of Tanzania and consenting in writing. He used the opportunity to ask those who want to sign additional contracts with those contractors to be careful to avoid challenges that may arise.

He has thanked the Government, especially the Ministry of Finance under Minister Mwigulu Nchemba and Permanent Secretaries of the Ministry, starting with Emanuel Tutuba and later Dr. Natu Mwamba for agreeing to waive value added taxes on cost of the projects.

The Chief Court Administrator asked all the contractors to introduce themselves to the regional leaders at their work places so that they are not seen as strangers because what are going to do providing justice services close to the people.

Likewise, he urged the citizens in the areas where the projects will be implemented to provide sufficient cooperation to enable the contractors to carry out those duties fully and avoid any kind of vandalism during the implementation of the projects.

On his part, the Head of the Delivery Unit of the Judiciary of Tanzania, speaking at the event, explained that a total of 14 Integrated Justice Centers would be built during this period, but the contracts signed yesterday were for six centers.

Judge Rumisha said that the process of finding contractors was clear as a total of 142 bids were bought and four contractors were selected after the process.

The contractors and their Regions where the projects will be executed are M/S Azhar Construction Company Limited Songea and Katavi), M/S Shandong Hi-Speed ​​Dejian Group Co. Ltd (Geita and Njombe), M/S Riha Company Limited (Simiyu) and M/S Home Africa Investment Company Limited (Songwe).

 "This process was not easy and needed attention to be satisfied that the judiciary is getting capable and worthy people to go with the required speed," he said and thanked the Director of Procurement Management Unit and his team for the good work they did.

The Head of the Delivery Unit said that the signing of the contracts is the conclusion of the work that has been done for the past two years and considering the limited time that was available, the employees worked day and night to ensure that the work was successful.

He seized the opportunity to show appreciations on the Judiciary leadership under the Chief Justice, Hon. Prof. Ibrahim Hamis Juma, Principal Judge of the High Court of Tanzania, Hon. Mustapher Mohamed Siyani, Chief Court Administrator, Prof. Elisante Ole Gabriel and all others for giving them support.

The construction of these Centers will make the Judiciary Tanzania have 12 Integrated Justice Centers. Currently there are six centers that are providing judicial services in the Regions of Dar es Salaam, Mwanza, Dodoma, Arusha and Morogoro.

 Chief Court Administrator, Prof. Elisante Ole Gabriel and Judiciary's Lawyer, Hon. Hassan Chuka (right) signing one of the contracts for the construction of the six new Integrated Justice Centres. Looking on are some of the contractors (left) waiting to sign the contracts in question.
Judiciary's Lawyer, Hon. Hassan Chuka (right) and one of the contractors signing the documents, while others witnessing the historic event.

Chief Court Administrator, Prof. Elisante Ole Gabriel (middle) in group picture with Contractors and some of judicial officers who witnessed the signing of the contracts.
Chief Court Administrator, Prof. Elisante Ole Gabriel speaking after the signing ceremony.
Head of Delivery Unit (JDU) and Judge of the High Court of Tanzania, Hon. Dr. Angelo Rumisha speaking during the occasion.
(Picture by Innocent Kansha-Judiciary)

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